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NAIDOC Week Craft Activities - update
Indigenous Sand Art & Plaster Shapes ready for NAIDOC week activities
Keychain Craft for Kids
The humble keychain ... it serves a handy purpose in keeping all our keys together. On its own though, they're...
Creating Stained Glass using Glass Paint Pens
Have you ever tried creating a stained glass image using paint pens? The results are gorgeous and perfect if you...
Sand Ceremonies for Weddings and Naming Days
What is a sand ceremony? How does it work? What is the meaning of it? Read on to find out...
Fathers Day Crafts for Kids
How hard are Dad's to buy for on Fathers Day? Instead of more socks and chocolates this year, surprise them...
NAIDOC Week Childcare Activities
A fun and creative way to engage and educate children in the rich Indigenous Australian culture during NAIDOC week. Read on...
Questions to ask when buying Sand Art Supplies
Read on to find out what questions to ask when purchasing sand art supplies for your next birthday party or...
How to organise a kids sand art party
Our sand art party kits are among our most popular items on the store and we are often asked about...
Kids Easter Crafts - DIY Shrinky Dink Gift Tags
We've been feeling the itch to do some Easter Crafts for Kids using our favourite Shrinky Dinks since we made...