Beaded Keychain Kit Instructions


Click the link here for a printable PDF with instructions for both of our Beaded Keychain Kits

Natural Beads

1. Choose the beads you would like to use.

2. Use the beads naturally or paint them. Two coats is best. Allow paint to dry before the next stage.

3. Tie the cord onto the end of the chain and start threading.

4. Don't forget to tie a good sized knot on the end to finish up!

Coloured Beads

1. Choose the beads you would like to use.

2. There's lots of fun choosing different colours and shapes to be had.

3. Tie the cord onto the end of the chain and start threading.

4. Don't forget to tie a good sized knot on the end to finish up!


If the holes of the beads are a bit blocked due to imperfections, take a toothpick and push it through.

If the cord end becomes frayed, either trim it a little, or dampen the end to bring it together.

Have fun experimenting with different colours, patterns and ways of threading the beads!

Please note

This activity is recommended for ages 5 years and above.